This page will show; from blank canvas to eventual completion, the story of "Songs VIII (flesh upon flesh)".

Possibly to be the last in this series as I am considering further simplifying the compositions and eliminating a corner, so the picture plane is broken into, and can concentrate on, only two main sections.
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Blank canvas.
Broken raw umber.
Scrubbed out.
Centre of olive green - ragged off and reapplied using various sized brushes. Top a translucent umber. bottom finished and highly successful; ragged off and reapplied caput mortum with a heavily struck ultramarine.
Cobalt violet deep hue laid upon the top corner, making for an interesting conversation, but making centre green inappropriate.
Brushing out in readiness to give an an even spread.
Cadmium red deep hue dotted - engaging with the ultramarine.
Really getting somewhere now - the broken raw umber has been lined upon top corner, breaking into and out from the base where it was originally laid and still visible between colour bands.
A lighter flesh lined centre, breaking through the red dots and tending them toward brown. I had to remove a little here because some brushing had kicked up the red.
Wide brushing of the light- toned fleshy cream powerfully bridging the strong corners. The same colour has been lined upon the brushwork adding interest. Flesh upon flesh.