"Songs VIII - flesh upon flesh"
Oil on canvas.

The creamy flesh in the centre has been applied very strongly with a wide brush giving a positive and deliberate area of lighter tone. The same colour has then been lined upon itself (hence the title) giving further textural and visual interest to an otherwise flat area, and reestablishing edge. This strong band of colour separates two highly emotive corners of which I am particularly pleased. Broken raw umber has been reapplied top corner, folding back into the base where it was originally laid.

I suspect this may be the last in the "Songs" series - it has been an extraordinary journey. The work I think will now be further simplified to consisting of just two areas of colour.

I hope the viewer can share some of the emotive force I feel in this painting.

See how the painting developed.

See all the "Songs" together.
click image for a detail