"Band VII - ultramarine blue".
Oil on canvas.

Bit of a blaster this one - the overall look of energy is generated by the way the bands of ultramarine and the cobalt violet deep hue (which looks rather red on it's base) have been laid in a gestural mannar.

Top are cool greys made with broken raw umber, and also the rather redder burnt umber. These neighbour well with the ultramarine.

Bottom is a delicious combination of the red looking purple base with a strangely purply looking carmine red and neat burnt umber calmly unifying the whole.

A thinly applied base of crimson blinks pinkly through, adding a background dimension with which the work balances well.

A dynamic piece. Not the most comfortable, but in terms of palette I think is perhaps one of my biggest painterly accomplishments to date.


click image for a detail