"Band V -  turquoise".
Oil on canvas.

This painting has had quite some journey to arrive at completion, but has maintained a freshness, particularly in the lines of flesh ochre which lie atop the turquoise band. The light tone of that flesh ochre sits comfortably with the cool lemon yellow base, and allows the transition from that to turquoise blue. which in places sits so thin upon the base residue that it glows as if green. The dark coloured lines top are actually a beautiful translucent sap green which calls upon that greeny turquoise glow. Gently lifted then by the lush phthalo green light.

Warmth above with a more cadmium feel, and an absolutely lovely peach colour made from broken cadmium red orange hue. The flesh ochre is laid just a little in the central area to link with that peach and unify the work.

A pure cadmium red orange hue - originally a key colour in the painting - now just peeps through in a couple of places.


click image for a detail